Time to GROW UP?

Recently a very accomplished professional shared the sudden news that a long-term partner suddenly declared they wanted to terminate the relationship; IMMEDIATELY.

While on the surface, the news was received without acrimony. No tears for this high achiever. They went about a systematic dismantling of finances and investments and cordially reviewed three financial options to “just get it over with” and move on and well, let’s not focus on the personal devastating impact such a life event causes…

The Take-Away?

What was most striking about the conversation was not the end of the relationship, it was the FEAR. Fear witnessed observing this nearly 60-year-old ADULT coming to terms with moving out, moving on, and more importantly facing their fears, their new reality that…

I’ve never lived on my own for more than four months since I left my parents’ home.

Really, this was the epiphany of a 60 year old!”

The fear expressed? The fear of confronting ‘SELF’, confronting alone-ness and confronting the unknown of discovering a new life.

Waking up and realizing you don’t know who you are without identifying yourself by the job you do, by the partnership you have, by the economic or social status people think you have.

But waking up alone, this is when you find out who you really are.

Kimberly F.