Are you having a professional mid-life crisis?

Are you having a professional mid-life crisis?

This is the last question I thought I would pose to myself or to others until I started to hear a familiar saying consistent in both my circle of professional and personal friends - regardless of gender; there was still the same stumbling block. Being stuck and not knowing exactly why. Being uncomfortable, dissatisfied, bored or downright frustrated, but WHY?

 Some could identify its root cause and some, including me, initially could not.

Most only knew that they were uncomfortable, and uncomfortable to the point that it finally became a catalyst for change.

For some that change was welcome and pleasant,

For some it was a planned phase into ‘what’s next’ but,

For most when it happens it is an unpleasant jolt into the reality that you haven’t achieved your financial goals, your business goals, your definition of success, (or worse yet someone else’s definition for you), and

Finally you haven’t fulfilled your life’s purpose( WTF%%$!!)


Maybe you HAVE crossed off YOUR checklist and the thing you’ve done all this time to earn a paycheck makes you miserable.

Sound familiar? Now that your crisis has a name, what will you do differently in 2020? Stay tuned…

Kimberly F.